FAZ - definitie. Wat is FAZ
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Wat (wie) is FAZ - definitie

FAZ; Faz (disambiguation)

Alguém Que Te Faz Sorrir         
Alguem Que Te Faz Sorrir
Alguém Que Te Faz Sorrir (English: Someone Who Makes You Smile) is a song by Brazilian emo band Fresno. Written by Lucas Silveira, the track was released for his third album Ciano.
FAZ Women Super division         
The FAZ Women Super Division is the highest league of women’s football in Zambia. It was established in the beginning of 2021 and is run by FAZ.



Faz or FAZ may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor FAZ
1. faces.
Disney U _ Doug Lipp _ Talks at Google
2. faces.
SuperPhone & Disruptive Media _ Ryan Leslie _ Talks at Google
3. faces.
The End of Privacy _ Michal Kosinski _ Talks at Google
4. faces.
Vegetables _ Antonio Carluccio _ Talks at Google
5. Faces, and sometimes deformed faces,
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor FAZ
1. Las fuerzas belicosas estadounidenses no podran ocultar jamas su faz criminal.
2. Von Boeselager followed von Kluge‘s orders but told the FAZ that the decision never ceased to haunt him.
3. El pais isleno puso a flote su fisonomia de las peligrosas fuerzas agresivas a la faz de la sociedad internacional.
4. But he tends to embellish things." Mr al–Zayat made his fortune through FAZ Aviation, a supplier of commercial aircraft.
5. Von Boeselager told FAZ that in the years immediately after the war, he spoke with his wife, Rosa, about his role in the resistance but said little else.